Thursday, December 13, 2007

Are you in the TOP 3%? Did you know that according to the lastest Polls...Only 3% of Christians actually share their Faith....and here YOU are searching the Web for some creative Christian Evangelism Ideas....Good for YOU! Of course, I think the Poll is wrong....Oh No, does that mean you're not in the top 3%? Well, not exactly...You see I think the Poll is wrong in the way it determines what sharing our faith's my humble opinion. I think that only 3% of Christians actually share their Faith in the WAY THAT THE POLL CONSIDERED AS THE PROPER WAY TO SHARE YOUR FAITH. You know the standard...share your testimony, tell them they're a sinner and get them to pray the sinner's prayer. At least that's the way my son's Bible College Evangelism Professor insisted was the correct way to Evangelize. Don't get me wrong, I've had to stop my knees from shaking, get the lump out of throat and survive the sweaty palms long enough to actually do this kind of evangelism...but I've also been blessed to be used of God in many other ways. Sometimes I'm a Seed Sower, Sometimes a Waterer but at all times it's God that brings forth the Harvest. When you start to see yourself as a "Living Witness", you'll see that you are ALWAYS sharing your Faith. For son has worn a "Christian Tshirt" every single day for the past four years. It's just one of the ways he sows the seed of the Word. Passing out tracts and Witness Pens is another. We've also been involved in Servant Evangelism and Street Evangelism. This Website is only a part of our Internet Evangelism efforts. And, of course you can read about our "witness" yard sales and adventures to boat races, festivals and biker bars elsewhere on this website Over the past few years, we have begun to see Evangelism as a process and there are many ways to be a part of that process. The key is to do what you were created to do...not what someone else was created to do. We're not all Ray Comfort or Billy Graham, most of us are not going to have Christian TV shows or large Tent Revivals, but all of us can spred a little seed and show a little love. Check out the 9 minute Video below and hear the amazing story of the effects of one ordinary man's efforts and when you get to the end....add my Ministry to the many that have been started as a result of this story. I Got off at George Streetby David Smithurst - MP3 Audio 9 minutes long Many times we won't know the results of our open evangelism efforts until we arrive in Heaven...but I believe, if we are faithful in being who we were created to be and sharing that with the world, then we can make a world of difference. Need some Evangelism Ideas to get you started...Click here

Friday, November 02, 2007

Did God Create Satan? and WHY?

Did God Create Satan? and Why? by F.Michael Sigler
The only real source of information on this subject is the Bible, and according to the Bible God did in fact create Satan, or the devil.

When I was a teenager I posed a question to my youth leader, and later to his father the minister of the church. The question was: If God is omnipresent, and knows the outcome of all things from the beginning to the end, and God is pure of any evil, so much so that he had to turn away rather than look upon His son as Jesus took the sins of the world upon himself. Then how could God create Lucifer,with knowledge that this being would later stand against God's own purpose, and become the father of lies. This question was very much avoided and talked around, and eventually I realized that I would not receive an answer from these men.

I now believe I know the answer to that question, God will show you all things if given time and patience combined with prayer.

Free will, God gave Lucifer the choice to become whatever he wished to become. If God as an omnipresent being, only created that which He knew would serve His will then what would be the point. Just as we are given free will Lucifer was given the same choice, and chose to serve his own cause, rather than to serve God's.

I think this is where the concept of: "If you love something set it free, if it comes back to you it is yours forever, and if it doesn't it never was."

God set us ALL free, even the devil, it's our choice to come back to Him.
By: F.Michael Sigler Michael is a friend, an author and the Moderator of the NotWriteNow writers blog at

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Stupid Halloween!

I use to HATE Halloween

I used to hate Halloween. As a Christian, I hated the whole idea of this Pagan holiday. Every year I would take special care to make sure my pets were safely locked in the house, in case some sicko weirdo decided to use them in some strange satanic ritual. Shades were drawn and lights turned out to discourage any celebrates from coming to MY door. Prayers were offered to protect little children and condemn those ignorant adults who would dare to inflict such evil on their own child. I thought God would be pleased to see me take such a stand against evil. Thank God! I finally woke up to see that Halloween is such a great opportunity for evangelism. What other time of year do people actually flock to my door? Children come for candy, neighbors are outside just waiting for someone to say a few nice words. You get to decorate you house with strange colored fruits and vegetables. It's the only time of year where it's perfectly acceptable to hang dried up corn stalks next to your front door. Now I stock up not only on bags of candy, but also Christian tracks and pens with Christian messages. I include a little witness card or "Jesus loves you" mini bears. Anything that will get the message out. If you're really adventurous you might try dressing up in a Bible Costume, going door to door and handing out your Bible tracks and Witness pens. You could even have the kids make their own tracks with simple messages like "Jesus loves you and I do too". One year we dressed up like farmers and handed out little pieces of paper with scripture verses. We were the Sower that sows the word. My young son had fun making his own "seedwords". Halloween doesn't seem so "Stupid" to me anymore it's becoming one of my favorite nights of the year and can be your favorite too. Open the shades, turn on the lights, say a few prayers and get out there, rejoice and share the joy of the Lord.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

What happened to Compassion?

The other day I saw a picture on the news of a tiny little girl. The picture was featured with an appeal for help in finding her. As I read on, I was horrified to discover that someone would actually have been sexually abusing such a young child. I shook my head in disgust and then went on with my day. Later that night before falling asleep, I began my customary Prayer Time. Selfishly praying for my needs and the needs of my family, occasionally asking for forgiveness for my many shortcomings and feeling pretty good about myself for taking the time to actually pray, but as I lay my head on my pillow, I was consumed with thoughts of the little girl. I hadn't thought to pray for her. Was she still being abused? What kind of life did she have? What about her family? All day long, I had not shown one ounce of Compassion for this child. Why? Why was it so easy to go about my day? What had happened to my compassion? Compassion in both the biblical Greek and the Hebrew means to be "moved in the bowels", it's that feeling in your gut that forces you to act. Something has changed in our World, and I think it has to do with our lack of Compassion. We are bombarded daily with the horrors of life. Earthquakes that kill thousands, hurricanes that destroy entire cities, sunamies and fires, suicide bombings and war. We have become so numb to it all, that when we see a story about one little child, we no longer have the compassion to stop what we are doing, cry out to our heavenly Father and plead for that child. I'm happy that little girl was found and is safe but I must admit she has changed my prayer life. My prayers are for her, her family and even the horrendous people who were a part in allowing this ordeal. I also pray for those who in the name of justice, were required to view the video of her torture. My prayers now always include a prayer for a compassionate heart in myself and our nation.

Monday, September 03, 2007

A great Evangelism Question Answered!

I just read this great post by a new friend of mine and had to share it with you.

Is GOD Allowing EVIL to PERSIST!

Religious or not just take a minute, and read this. I'm not judging or preaching, just pondering. (if you've got a minute read this, if you've got two tell me what you think of it.) God created us all with a choice, to serve Him or to serve ourselves. True evil in our world comes from the later of the two choices. That is truly what we are here to learn. When you follow the first of all the directives that Jesus put forth, IE: When Jesus was asked " Teacher what is the great commandment in the law?" Jesus said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." "This is the first and great commandment." Matthew 22:36-38. When we follow this commandment we are bound to do God's will. Within that state of mind there is no doubt, all of our fear, and hatred, and self serving nature is defeated. When true evil manifests it is from these that it is born. When you look to any sin you have committed throughout all of your existence you most probably will come back to one of these. Especially fear. When you keep your mind, your heart, and your soul focused on loving God there is no room for evil. I believe that the lesson that we are here to learn is just that; Doing YOUR will creates evil to gain a handhold on your life. Doing God's will serves God and evil is defeated. If God were to remove evil, He would in effect be taking away your choice, your free will. At the very least removing evil would remove any opportunity for us to see the consequences of our actions. In closing I would just like to point out that as men, and women we may never be able to completely ignore our impulse to take control and go our own way, it is very difficult to completely surrender your will to God. Those that have are said to reach sainthood. Those that have not are still loved and cherished by God. That is what grace is, only by the grace of God are we saved. Hopefully we can gain faith in our lives, and accept His will, day by day, a little more. Because I believe that the more we do, the less evil will be with us. If you look at it this way I guess the question would be better served; Why we as the children of God, allow for evil.

F.Michael Sigler

Mike is a new friend of mine with so terrific writing skills, stop by his Blog,

to experience more of his talent.