Thursday, October 02, 2008

Some Good Advice

This video has been around for awhile but I think it is worth viewing more than once.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Don't Quit

You never know how close you are to your miracle.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Stupid! Halloween

I used to hate Halloween. As a Christian, I believed that the term Christian Halloween was an oxymoron and any one crazy enough to celebrate this Pagan holiday was a moron

read more | digg story

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hugo and the Adult Trike Bike

If you've read any of my Wimpy Witness Adventures, I'm sure you are familiar with Hugo, the rolling walker. Hugo has been a big part in our street witnessing for several years now. I can't tell you how many tired pregnant women and weary senior citizens have gratefully accepted a chance to rest their legs and sit a spell on Hugo's padded seat. Yes, he has been a valuable member of the Wimpy Witness team, but after spotting an electric adult trike, I'm thinking it's time for a replacement. Think how much ground we could cover with one of these babies.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Christian Evangelism Ideas

Christian Evangelism Ideas

Fun, Creative and Innovative Evangelistic Ideas for Expressing and Sharing your Faith.

Isn't it time for you to step out and have some FUN sharing your Faith.

Stop worrying about having to go "bug" your neighbors about "your religion" and start finding ways to "express" your Faith. Evangelism truly can be exciting and uplifting.

Seed Sowing and Everyday Evangelism - Ways to express your faith in your everyday lifestyle

1. Christian Apparel - nothing like a walking billboard for Jesus

2. Bumper Stickers and Vanity Plates - I know it's corny but I've heard the testimonies too.

3. Scriptures on your checks - Warning!! Don't use scripture checks if you're a check bouncer:)

4. The Fruit of the Spirit - Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Goodness, Kindness, Faithfulness, Meekness, Self-Control ... Doesn't the Bible say they shall know us by our Fruit?

5. Bible Tracts - Never leave home without them

6. Witness Pens - Everyone loves a free pen...give them to drive-thru Cashiers, store clerks, teachers....hand them out at malls, the DMV or anywhere you see a group standing around.

Individual Servant Evangelism

1. Volunteer - Get involved and always be ready to share the Joy of your Life

2. The Good Neighbor Policy - Always wave, say Hello, give your neighbors your phone number in case of emergency, share your cookies, cakes and pies and lawn tools - be available to help out your neighbors. After a bad Storm, my son (wearing his christian tshirt of course) organized the neighborhood kids and went yard to yard picking up sticks, downed tree limbs and trash from the Neighborhood.

3. Adopt the Senior Citizens in your neighborhood - be there to shovel snow, help with car repairs and housekeeping, stop in to chat, invite them to dinner and most of all pray for them

Holiday Evangelism

1. Send Christmas cards to random people from your phone book...add a few salvation scriptions

2. Make cards with salvation scriptures for nursing home residents.

3. Hand out Witness Pens to frazzled Cashiers..and don't forget to Smile and tell them you're praying for them.

4. Make little care bags of cookies..tie on a scripture message and hand out where ever you see a line.

5. Have your kids make special cards for "adopted" grandparents in nursing homes and stop by to visit.

6. Invite someone to dinner. Make it your mission not to let anyone have to spend the holidays alone.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

The Wimpy Witness goes to the Festival Hot Air Balloons, Fireworks, Arts and Crafts, Jet Skis and Boats, Funnel Cakes and Hot Dogs, Helicopter Rides, plus a small team of Wimpy Witnesses equals the Clarksville Virginia Annual Lakefest. It was a perfect morning, with slightly overcast sky, soft breeze off the lake and plenty of visitors on the street. There we were, my team of Wimpy Witnesses, scared and nervous but ready to complete our assignment from our King. Armed with tracts, witness pens, buttons and tiny Bible Teddies all neatly stuffed into the basket compartment of our rolling walker, Hug-O; we headed onto the street looking for friendly faces to offer our Free goods. We had prayed that Angels would go before us and prepare a path, and that morning it certainly appeared our prayers were answered. Little kids in strollers received Bible Teddies as their grateful parents accepted Free witness pens and Bible Tracts. The Streets were full of happy vacationers enjoying Virginia"s largest Festival. Tens of Thousands of new faces and hearts needing the Word of God. We rolled up and down Main Street until our ample supply of Free Seed (the Word of God) was depleted. Our task complete we headed home to Pray that God might send others to water the seed and finally that the Harvesters would come to bring Salvation to those who thought they were only visiting a little town on the Lake for a day of fun. The Wimpy Witness Resources I used: Tracts: Gospel of John - Are you a Good Person? Scientific Facts in the Bible - Save yourself some Pain - Witness Pens - Witness Buttons - Variety - Bible Teddies Variety - And of Course My Faithful Hugo that we call Hug-O. We purchased ours at the local CVS Drug Store. They are also available at Walmarts and Kmarts.

Friday, June 06, 2008

The Wimpy Witness Yard Sale

First off, let me make a confession. I hate Yard Sales! The idea of leaving my nice cozy bed and opening my eyes at the crack of dawn is ludicrous. The only thing worse than going to a Yard Sale is having one. Selling my stuff on Ebay or calling the local Goodwill to come pick up my old junk just seems more logical. Less bother, no early wake-up calls. That said, There is one reason and only one reason why I would recommend a Yard Sale and that is ... It's a great opportunity to witness to your neighbors. Nothing brings out the neighbors like a chance to nose through your stuff. Finally, you get to see who lives in the house where the blinds are always drawn and nobody ever comes or goes. They just can't resist the opportunity of finding something that you might be too stupid to realize is a treasure of great value. Who cares what reasons they are willing to tramp on over to your yard, at least they come ..and.. there you are, armed with tracts and hot coffee or cold drinks. They have to take your tract now, after all it would be rude and you are their neighbor. As much as I have always hated the yard sale ritual, I must admit that I throughly enjoyed myself on that Saturday. My neighbors are quite nice. Can't say that I sold much, but truthfully that wasn't my point in having a yard sale. I did, however, have some awesome conversations about God and Salvation. My Wimpy Witness team, along with Hug-O, the rolling Bible Tract Cart were on hand passing out tracts and proving that not all teenagers are rude and selfish. Watching these two young men being so helpful and respectful was a blessing in itself. They showed their commitment to serving their Lord and I know they both earned Treasure in Heaven. I could go on and on about what an incredible day it was but let me just suggest that you try having a Wimpy Witness Yard Sale for yourself. It will be a lot of work but......Oh.. the blessings!