Thursday, October 02, 2008
Some Good Advice
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Stupid! Halloween
read more | digg story
Monday, August 11, 2008
Hugo and the Adult Trike Bike

Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Christian Evangelism Ideas
Christian Evangelism Ideas
Fun, Creative and Innovative Evangelistic Ideas for Expressing and Sharing your Faith.
Isn't it time for you to step out and have some FUN sharing your Faith.
Stop worrying about having to go "bug" your neighbors about "your religion" and start finding ways to "express" your Faith. Evangelism truly can be exciting and uplifting.
Seed Sowing and Everyday Evangelism - Ways to express your faith in your everyday lifestyle
1. Christian Apparel - nothing like a walking billboard for Jesus
2. Bumper Stickers and Vanity Plates - I know it's corny but I've heard the testimonies too.
3. Scriptures on your checks - Warning!! Don't use scripture checks if you're a check bouncer:)
4. The Fruit of the Spirit - Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Goodness, Kindness, Faithfulness, Meekness, Self-Control ... Doesn't the Bible say they shall know us by our Fruit?
5. Bible Tracts - Never leave home without them
6. Witness Pens - Everyone loves a free pen...give them to drive-thru Cashiers, store clerks, teachers....hand them out at malls, the DMV or anywhere you see a group standing around.
Individual Servant Evangelism
1. Volunteer - Get involved and always be ready to share the Joy of your Life
2. The Good Neighbor Policy - Always wave, say Hello, give your neighbors your phone number in case of emergency, share your cookies, cakes and pies and lawn tools - be available to help out your neighbors. After a bad Storm, my son (wearing his christian tshirt of course) organized the neighborhood kids and went yard to yard picking up sticks, downed tree limbs and trash from the Neighborhood.
3. Adopt the Senior Citizens in your neighborhood - be there to shovel snow, help with car repairs and housekeeping, stop in to chat, invite them to dinner and most of all pray for them
Holiday Evangelism
1. Send Christmas cards to random people from your phone book...add a few salvation scriptions
2. Make cards with salvation scriptures for nursing home residents.
3. Hand out Witness Pens to frazzled Cashiers..and don't forget to Smile and tell them you're praying for them.
4. Make little care bags of cookies..tie on a scripture message and hand out where ever you see a line.
5. Have your kids make special cards for "adopted" grandparents in nursing homes and stop by to visit.
6. Invite someone to dinner. Make it your mission not to let anyone have to spend the holidays alone.