"Top Ten Places to Get Inexpensive and Free Tracts 1. The American Tract Society - Low Cost, Cool Designs, Great Message 2. Living Waters - Low Cost, Lots of unique Designs, Super Witnessing Tools 3. Pocket Power - Free Gospels of John 4. Chick Tracts - The Classic Cartoon Tracts, These tracts are collectables. 5. Fellowship Tract League 6. Calvary Chapel 7. Free Bible Tracts 8. Computer Saints 9. Davidson Press 10. ABC Tracts
Look for tracts that give a clear Gospel Message not ones that promote one doctrine over another. The point should be salvation. Be sure to read the tract before ordering. Try ordering a few from several sites, until you find the right tracts for you.
God Bless
Wimpy Witness
My Super PostCard Idea Adventure:
Wow! Is this a great idea or What!
Today I ordered some FREE custom made postcards from Vistaprint. On the Front side I had them print: "The Meaning of Life in 25 Words or Less" then underneath I had them print out the verse of John 3:16. On the back , where you would normally put your return address, I had them print out the Web Address for this site and a short message with a prayer. The cards will be here in about three weeks. My son and me are planning on spending an afternoon addressing the cards to people we randomly pick from the phone book (of course we will pray first and ask God to get the cards where they need to go). We decided to not put our return address because we do not want to be the focus, we want God to get all the Glory and the focus to be on the message.
VistaPrint even has some postcard styles that would be great for little kids. What a great way to teach your child about sharing the Love of Jesus. Let them help you pick out names and addresses and also what to print on your personal postcards.
VistaPrint also has FREE Business Cards that you can design into Witness Cards. They always have some FREE Specials going on each month, so sign-up for their email list.
Check out the Link in the right hand column and get your Free Postcards.
Be Blessed!
1. Pray for opportunities to share your Faith 2. Have compassion on the condition of those around you. 3. Speak the Truth, Don't water it down! Hell is Real! 4. If you're not ready to be Bold as a Lion, then at least be a Wimpy Witness. You gotta start somewhere. 5. Never forget or take for granted the price of Salvation. Learn to value what God values.
There are many ways to share and express your Faith, find ways that fit your personality and abilities and then make them a part of your day-to-day life. Most of you have heard all of this before, and you might actually agree that you are Selfish, but after hearing or reading a message like this, you go back to your normal ways, never changing and missing opportunity after opportunity. Please STOP! Take the time right now to make one small change in the right direction. Look for ways to express and share your Faith. Don't go back in your RUT. Today is the Day of Salvation!
Don't Just Read the Verse and Quote the Verse...... BE THE VERSE!. K.M. Kramer is the Operator of www.betheverse.com, a Chrisitan Evangelism Mobilization Website, the Moderator of the Wimpy Witness Blog and Owner of www.versestore.com, a successful Christian Apparel and Witness Gear Store on Ebay