Monday, July 03, 2006

The Value of the Immortal Soul

The Price of the Immortal Soul We know how much an Immortal Soul is worth to God. It cost Him everything. "For God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son", I too have an Only begotten Son. He is the most precious thing in my Life and I can not imagine sending my Son to suffer in the way that God sent His Son. But that is the value of an immortal soul to God. How much value does an Immortal Soul have to you? Is it more valuable then your favorite TV Show? How about that extra 15 minutes sleep? Or, here's a good one, Is it more valuable then your Pride, what others think of you, or your reputation? Do you worry what others might think if you starting talking about Jesus? Ok, Don't tune me out or stop reading. I'm going to tell you the truth, so listen-up. If you are not seeking the Lost, If you are not concerned about your world, then you are extremely SELFISH. I'm not saying you need to be going door-to-door forcing your neighbors to say the Sinner's Prayer. What I'm saying is, you need to:

1. Pray for opportunities to share your Faith 2. Have compassion on the condition of those around you. 3. Speak the Truth, Don't water it down! Hell is Real! 4. If you're not ready to be Bold as a Lion, then at least be a Wimpy Witness. You gotta start somewhere. 5. Never forget or take for granted the price of Salvation. Learn to value what God values.

There are many ways to share and express your Faith, find ways that fit your personality and abilities and then make them a part of your day-to-day life. Most of you have heard all of this before, and you might actually agree that you are Selfish, but after hearing or reading a message like this, you go back to your normal ways, never changing and missing opportunity after opportunity. Please STOP! Take the time right now to make one small change in the right direction. Look for ways to express and share your Faith. Don't go back in your RUT. Today is the Day of Salvation!

Don't Just Read the Verse and Quote the Verse...... BE THE VERSE!. K.M. Kramer is the Operator of, a Chrisitan Evangelism Mobilization Website, the Moderator of the Wimpy Witness Blog and Owner of, a successful Christian Apparel and Witness Gear Store on Ebay

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