What is Tshirt Evangelism and Why Should I Care?:
"What is T-shirt Evangelism and Why should I Care?
by K.M. Kramer, The Wimpy Witness
If you've been to a Mall or Public School lately, then you've seen T-shirt Evangelism in action. Unfortunately the message is not usually positive and rarely Christian. Tshirts promoting Demonic Music, Drugs and all manner of sin are common place. Even trashy sayings by happy bunnies for little children are seen spread across tshirts from Coast to Coast. Everyone seems to have an idea or opinion to express. Lately the only opinion that isn't allowed, is the one that expresses Faith in God. Even our own President is ridiculed for Praying.
'You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men'
2 Corinthians 3:2
Christian T-shirt Evangelism is our way of fighting back and fulfilling our mandate as 'living epistles read of men'. As a concerned Christian Mother recently emailed me about our Christian Happy Cat shirt:
'This is an awesome shirt. The kids around here are into that happy bunny that has those nasty sayings on it. It'd be so neat to have my daughter walking around with the happy kitty instead, besides she likes kitties, too'
Even her young daughter can be a witness to her friends through a T-shirt. That's the great thing about Tshirt Evangelism. Everyone can be a part of spreading the Gospel. All it takes is a simple Tshirt.
Now for the Why I should care:
And He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.'
MarK 16:15
The reason you should care is that He cares. Jesus asked us to go and tell the world. Not everyone can take off and go to the Congo, but we can all do something. Throughout the bible, the word of God is called the Seed. We can all be seed sowers. Passing out tracts is sowing seed, having scripture on your checks is sowing seed and being a living billboard for Christ is sowing seed. The average Tshirt is read over three thousand times before ending up on the trash heap. That's alot of seed sown.
What kind of T-shirt should I Wear?
There has been a debate among Christians whether it is better to wear a shirt with Scripture or one without Scripture but with a provocative statement. That's something you need to decide for yourself. There are merits on both sides and the determining factor comes down to your personal style of evangelism. For the most part, I prefer having the scripture and here's why:
"So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth: It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11
The Word of God is that Seed we spoke about earlier. If you want it to accomplish Gods purpose you need to use His seed. I also like the idea that the seed is being sown whether I stop to talk or share with someone or if I'm just passing by. If you're a Wimpy Witness like me, or just plain shy, this is a great way to start evangelizing.
On the other hand, if you want to have a great conversation starter, and are more prepared to openly share the Gospel message, then a shirt without scripture but with powerful statement might just be right. The other advantage to this type of shirt is that whereas scripture shirts are often banned in public schools, these shirts are usually not.
How to get started in Tshirt Evangelism
1. Pray, Pray, Pray! You cannot skip this step. Without prayer your seed will fall on fallow ground.
2. Find a Tshirt that fits your style and has a message you believe in. Over the past year this has been my hearts desire, to actually Be the Verse. Believe in what you say and Live It! Wearing a Christian Tshirt and acting like a heathen will not get you any "brownie points" in heaven any more then having scripture verses on your bounced checks.
3. Go Out and Sow some Seed. I love this idea from one of my recent customers.
"When I go to the YMCA to work out (not nearly as much as I should...) I love to wear t-shirts with scripture/verses/pictures on the back, so when I'm on a machine, a seed may be planted to the folks behind me".
Thanks Traci that is a great idea!
Go ahead and get started. Be that "Living Epistle" and May God Richly Bless you as you go forth.
1 comment:
It's been awhile since I posted this, but I've received so many wonderful stories about the value of Christian tshirt evangelism I wanted to encourage all of you to give it a try.
The Wimpy Witness
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